Monday, March 31, 2008

The next leader of a 'free; South Africa

JZ at his recent wedding - nice footwear.

Jacob Zuma is currently the President of the ANC, the ruling party in South Africa and is as such considered to be firm favourite to be elected to President of South Africa at the elections scheduled for 2009. Born in 1942 the son of a policeman, he received no formal schooling. Despite these two potential obstacles to advancement in life he has managed to both break the law and fill the post of Chief of Intelligence Department for the ANC.
A populist and firm favourite with both the Trade Union body Cosatu and the Communist Party of South Africa JZ can often be seen singing and dancing for his people. Most often singing his trademarked song Lethu Mshini Wami – Bring me my machine gun. For those who think that the pace of transformation has been too slow under Thabo Mbeki's reign it's sure to speed up with the threat of gunfire in the air.
In May 2006 JZ attended court on rape charges later dismissed. It had been alleged that he had raped the daughter of one of his dead comrades. Who he knew to be HIV positive. Whilst he was head of the National AIDS council. JZ of this that he had taken a shower afterwards to reduce the risk of contracting the disease. As they say around here, “Prevent AIDS - take a shower, Save water – use a condom”
This is not the last of JZ's brushes with the law. He is due to stand trial on the 18th August 2008 on charges of racketeering, money laundering, corruption and fraud connected to the 1998 Arms deal. The last of the gangsta politicians? Zuma says he is confident of acquittal despite the list referenced here with details some R4million in bribes (Down to R25 for a car wash) he accepted from convicted fraudster Shabir Shaik. Perhaps he will be bringing his machine gun to court?
Through all these trials and tribulations JZ has been able to seek comfort in the arms of his wife, or rather wives. And fiancés. Three of each at the last count and up to 18 mini JZ's running around. Plus a divorced wife and one who committed suicide it seems they just didn't get the big man.
Still if he's ever in the mood for someone who does understand him he can have his pick from those in the ANC Women's League who all came out in support of him at the recent party elections in Polokwane. Despite this pearl of wisdom from JZ,
“I was taught that leaving a woman in a sexually aroused state was the worst thing a Zulu man can do. She could even have you arrested and charged with rape,”
JZ I salute you with my machine gun.

For the sake of your health - a Retrospective

Pretty girl isn't she? To give you some background this woman has persistently said that various herbal remedies (Including beetroot and garlic) are the most effective cure and treatment for H.I.V. and AIDS. This is because retro-viral drugs are a Western curse on the impoverished South African economy.
You might be able to dismiss these views as those of an innocently deluded old lady. However, it turns out that she's the Health Minister for the ANC government. A country with one of the highest levels of HIV infection in the world with 1 in 5 adults already infected. She has also refused to confirm in interviews that H.I.V. causes AIDS.
In 2006 she was absent from her duties for around 6 months whilst she underwent a liver transplant. Showing a dedication to duty she refused to resign and instead took extended leave. Allowing her deputy to stand in she repaid the favour by sacking her on her return to duties.
It turns out that she's also a drunk and a thief - truly the mark of greatness is measured the impact they have on the lives of others as her government bio notes, whether this be by saving lives or stealing their bags. It turns out she picked up more than Russian during her studies at First Leningrad Medical institute - she also picked up a fondness for hard liquor.
Still all South Africans owe her debt of gratitude for her tireless efforts to improve child mortality rates even if it is by removing pages from reports.
I salute you Comrade Manto - Nazdorovia!

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Eish Eskom!

So as most of the world will have heard South Africa has had some electricity supply problems in the last couple of years. Possibly caused by terrorists and anti ANC elements at times like Public Minister of Enterprises Alec Erwin suggested back in 2006 But more likely caused by total mismanagement. As the government and Alec Erwin himself acknowledges himself here it is at least "in part" the governments fault. In South Africa even a partial admittance of culpability is what sets it apart from the rest of Africa.
Some of the plans to cope with the serious shortage of electricity in the country include switching all traffic signals to solar power. Truly visionary.
Oh and the raft of power supply developments scheduled to avert a power supply crisis in 2010 for the world cup - all delayed well into 2012 and beyond. Still as long as the games are played in daylight, transport to the games shouldn't be a problem given the solar powered traffic lights.

Corruption in South Africa?!

See here

Even one of the most famous holy men in the world is asking for an investigation into the Arms deal. For background see here or here

Put simply in 1998 having secured power senior members of the ANC ruling party choose to spend billions of rands on the military claiming it would create 65,000 jobs. It did create thousands of jobs but mostly in Europe and the U.S. However, as any African politician knows domestic job creation always finishes a distant second to lining your own pockets.

Education through Dance

This is as good a place to start as any I suppose.

Essentially the Youth Communist League of South Africa believes that toyi - toying is crucial to the socio-economic growth of its members and any suggestion that learning is more important is a form of discrimination.
Personally the spontaneous stamping of feet and screaming reminds me of the behaviour of young children - presumably why its the 'Youth' Communist League that is so concerned. For those of you who are unfamiliar, toyi - toying is believed to have originated in Zimbabwe, where it has been dramatically successful in growing the economy.

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