Monday, March 31, 2008

For the sake of your health - a Retrospective

Pretty girl isn't she? To give you some background this woman has persistently said that various herbal remedies (Including beetroot and garlic) are the most effective cure and treatment for H.I.V. and AIDS. This is because retro-viral drugs are a Western curse on the impoverished South African economy.
You might be able to dismiss these views as those of an innocently deluded old lady. However, it turns out that she's the Health Minister for the ANC government. A country with one of the highest levels of HIV infection in the world with 1 in 5 adults already infected. She has also refused to confirm in interviews that H.I.V. causes AIDS.
In 2006 she was absent from her duties for around 6 months whilst she underwent a liver transplant. Showing a dedication to duty she refused to resign and instead took extended leave. Allowing her deputy to stand in she repaid the favour by sacking her on her return to duties.
It turns out that she's also a drunk and a thief - truly the mark of greatness is measured the impact they have on the lives of others as her government bio notes, whether this be by saving lives or stealing their bags. It turns out she picked up more than Russian during her studies at First Leningrad Medical institute - she also picked up a fondness for hard liquor.
Still all South Africans owe her debt of gratitude for her tireless efforts to improve child mortality rates even if it is by removing pages from reports.
I salute you Comrade Manto - Nazdorovia!

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